Sunday, September 25, 2011

Week 9 Enviro Facts

These are the enviro facts for week 9:

Juniors-Did you know paper is made out of trees

Middles- Did you know that griffins biscuit trays are number 1 so they are recyclable

Seniors-Did you know recycling a glass jar saves enough energy to light a bulb for 4 hours


  1. Well done Devon & Zion. You spoke clearly and you both were well organised. Great job! I can't wait for the quiz next Monday :)

  2. What a great looking enviro blog!! Well done Devon and Zion! I am the same as Mrs P... I can't wait unitl the quiz!

  3. Oops... sorry about the spelling mistake above. Can you spot it?

  4. Awesome Facts Enviro Agents. Good luck with your quiz!

  5. I love your background enviro agents very cool! Will there be a quiz each week? Where do you find your facts from? I didn't realise how much energy can be saved from simply recycling glass jars. Well done Enviro Agents.
    Mrs Head

  6. Great blog design enviro-agents. Room 2 will be trying to remember your enviro facts. See you at Monday morning assembly!
    Mrs Scott

  7. Love the appropriate background on your blog! I am looking forward to reading a growing number of facts - have you thought how you will sort your enviro facts so Juniors, Middles and Seniors can easily find them at a later date?
