Tuesday, July 24, 2012

gardening team

KIA Ora  this is the Green fingers we're going to talk about re-planting in the room 1 garden.
First we pulled out all the weeds and when we finished pulling out all the weeds,  we saw a fat
potato so we pull that out too.  When we got all the weeds out we chucked them onto this big blue mat next we carried it  to the big red bin in the field. Mr. Peachy put soil in the garden and put more flowers in room 1's garden. And Corrina's group put shrubs in the garden top


  1. Wow what a big job enviro agents!!!!

    How long did it take to pull out ALL the plants?

    From Mac and Ben

  2. It took a while but in the end we got there.

    From the green fingers.
